Tuesday 28 February 2012

ITS THE RETURN OF THE MISLEADING POP SCIENCE ARTICLE TITLE! Finally science proves something important:Red lipstick is sexy/You look like a whore.Nice.

Andrew Elliot found (in 2008)  that men found women who wore red lipstick more attractive and sexually desirable that those who wore a different colour lipstick. The men "sat closer to women in red and asked them more intimate questions" or what normal people call "flirting". 

Elliot also points out "that men see women in red as ready and willing, and that this sexual receptiveness is what makes them attractive and desirable." (Hmmmmm. Maybe I did look like a Russian hooker after all.Sound).

Beauty really does lie in the eye of the beholder. Or are men inherently misogynistic?GET THE SMELLING SALTS! A feminist can of worms just exploded somewhere.

Cue a convenient evolutionary -type-cave man-explanation to ease my feeble lady-brain. Red is a sexual cue in nature.Increased blood flow in both human and non-human primates is an indication of ovulation and means its time to do the no pants dance, the old sideways shimmy, the matrimonial polka,the backseat mambo,the horizontal hula.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18954199 (Journal of personality and social psychology)

In this new article the trials actually took place using women wearing red shirts and not red lipstick, as one was led to believe from the post about this on Popular Science about the same paper .ITS THE RETURN OF THE MISLEADING ARTICLE TITLE!
And Andrew Elliot's next topic of investigation? Looking at the motivation behind the wearing of the colour red and "collecting data to see if women on dating sites that cater to one-night-stands and casual sex are more likely to wear red in their profile pictures than women using services that cater to long-term relationships or marriage."

Because women can be just divided into two group, right?Those who sleep around and those who want to get married. 
Madonna/Whore complex anyone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex
Its going to be the Sex and the City of research articles.
Germaine Greer just turned in her Birkenstocks.

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