Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Sex and the City of research articles

I wrote previously that a research article on the motivation behind wearing red lipstick or items of clothing would be the Sex and the City of research articles.
I was wrong.
THIS is the Sex and the city of research articles. ("I see you've played knifey-spoony before")
(NOTE:its not a peer reviewed article,just a pop science article)
Love really is a drug.Or so your brain thinks.
That what anthropologist and relationship scientist Helen Fisher says. (Relationship scientist? Is that a real type of science?If that's the case I'm a Nutella on toast scientist)http://www.helenfisher.com/

"We're all addicted to our own personal Mr.Big". I get where this is coming from. "Why do we torture ourselves?" I KNOW.Why do I torture myself? Fisher says it's because love plays with your brain in the same way drugs do. "She has studied people who'd experienced heartbreak and found that rejection by one's own Mr. Big lights up the same areas of your brain that fire up when you have a craving for something you're addicted to." I'm guessing she used fMRI and  hasn't just used a jam jar and a set of spoons to figure this out.
So how does one kick the habit?(I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM.I CAN STOP AT ANY TIME)
"It really is an addiction; you have to treat it as an addiction." "That means cutting yourself off from him cold turkey."
No blue satin Manolo Blahniks for me.
Easier said than done my sister from another mister.
Watch her TED talk "The Brain in Love" here:

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